The Dutch language can be quite complex, especially with the grammar and spelling rules. Let us not get started about all the -d's and the -t’s. And for any kind of situation, the Dutch language has its own saying. Here’s a list to help you guide through them!
Met de deur in huis vallen - To fall with the door into the house
No, this does not mean you’ll literally fall with a badly attached door into a house. It means getting straight to the point. You’ll address directly what needs to be addressed.
De kat uit de boom kijken - To watch the cat out of the tree
No worries! Not a literal cat. Whenever someone watches the cat out of the tree, that person is waiting and observing how a situation develops before taking action.
Zoals het klokje thuis tikt, tikt het nergens - The clock ticks at home like nowhere else
Oost West, Thuis Best - East, West, Home Best
There’s no place like home. It is as simple as that.
De aap komt uit de mouw - The monkey comes out of the sleeve
Luckily this one is also not too literal. There won’t be any monkeys in someone’s sleeve, but it is most likely that this person’s true intentions are exposed or any truth is exposed.
Wanneer de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel - Whenever the cat’s away, the mice dance on the table
This is no reason to get a real cat in the house unless you really have the mice dancing on the table. What is actually being said is that whenever the person in charge is absent, others may misbehave or take advantage of the situation.
Met de Noorderzon vertrekken - To leave with the northern sun
When someone left with the northern sun, they left suddenly without any trace or explanation.
Het is dweilen met de kraan open - It’s mopping with the tap open
Even though the Netherlands is located under sea level, you don’t need to worry about actually mopping with an endless source. When something or someone is mopping with the tap open, it is a futile or pointless effort because the problem is not being addressed effectively.
Het regent pijpenstelen - It’s raining pipe stems
Abort mission, no need to hide! It is just raining very heavily, and the chances of getting drenched when outside for longer than 5 minutes are 100%.
Wie zijn billen brandt, moet op de blaren zitten - He who burns his buttocks must sit on the blisters
If you do something, you’ll get results. Good ones or bad ones, no matter what, you’ll have to face the consequences of your own actions. It is most used whenever someone is busted doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing.
Als een vis in het water – Like a fish in the water
Don’t worry, no one is called a real fish. But when someone is like a fish in the water, it means that this person is completely at ease in a particular environment or situation.
These were 11 popular sayings in the Netherlands, which one amused you the most? Let us know in the comments!