Diligently start the first page of the first book, knowing that you still had three books to go after that. And nothing surpassed the triumphant feeling when you had the end result in front of you hours later.
As a Shipbuilding Engineer you are responsible for drawing, modelling and constructing the structural design of the hull. Based on the design, the construction and workshopdrawings are made in Cadmatic.
You divide a yacht into several sections, and make detailed construction drawings per section.
You will work closely with other colleagues working on the same project.
All the drawings that you work out in detail come to life in the production hall, where your own design turns into something tangible.
As a project organisation, Mobeco is active in niche markets within the technology sector (ship and yacht construction, offshore and maritime suppliers). Our focus is on finding or creating opportunities. Supporting our clients with insufficient knowledge or capacity, both on a project basis and on a secondment basis.
Professionals and clients find each other in our (inter)national network which we have built up over the years. And that is necessary, because we know the dynamics in our industry like no other and know that the reality of today can be very different from tomorrow or next week.